With the advent of Information communication technologies, library started implementing technologies in its operations and services since late nineties. In 1995, Tagore Library started providing email services to its users through SIRNET, new Delhi using dial up connection. In 2008, Library established E-resource centre with 50 computers connected with Internet facility. Students were using this centre to access E resources and other online educational resources until Cyber Library came into the existence.

Cyber Library is the part of Tagore Library. It was established last year in 2019 on the first floor of the Library. Cyber Library is very huge in size. It consists of 538 well equipped computers with Internet facility. The Purpose of Cyber Library is to bring together all open access e-resources in form of e-books, e-journals, video lectures, subject gateways, databases, useful websites etc. in all disciplines of the University at one place, so that the students, research scholars and faculty members belonging to various disciplines of University may make optimum use of the these resources. Since 2004, INFLIBNET Centre has been providing access to scholarly electronic journals and databases to University of Lucknow through e-ShodhSindhu consortium. More than eight thousands full text electronic journals & databases of reputed publishers are available to research community of the Lucknow University through the INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar. The Tagore Library had acquired the institutional membership of DELNET, New Delhi in the year 2008. Since then, services of DELNET are being provided to University Community through Cyber Library. Furthermore, at present, Cyber library has been providing access to more than 9000 online E books and databases of International publishers, viz. Springer Nature, Elsevier, Pearson, Taylor and Francis, Proquest Databases, EBSCO database, Bibliotex, World technologies, LexisNexis, SCC online, Manupatra, NotNul and so on. Within no time, Cyber library has become a central place among students and faculty members for pursuing their research work and academic needs.